Contract Staffing

Recruiting and managing your team

Contract Staffing

Workplaces have changed. Now, organisations don’t hire to fulfil every need. Contract staffing (also called manpower outsourcing) offers many benefits to organisations, including:

  1. Flexibility with increasing and decreasing people, as per need.
  2. Assurance with respect to desired qualifications and skill-sets.
  3. Increased performance by individuals.
  4. Reduced administrative load.
  5. Lean in-house staff, and hence lower long term liabilities.

As part of this offering, we:

  • Support in sourcing temporary staff.
  • Handle their enrolment process.
  • Manage their payroll.
  • Develop Key Responsibility Areas (KRA’s), Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and Performance Management System (PMS), as per client needs.

If you’d like our help – write to us or schedule a virtual meeting.